Thursday, March 14, 2013

Social Studies

Hello Friends! It is time for Through Time & Space Thursday! We thought we would turn the focus to Social Studies since we focused on Science last week. I usually try to focus on a certain activity but this week I just want to discuss the subject itself. 

I have really found a passion teaching Social Studies and I think that is hilarious considering it was my least favorite subject when I was going through elementary school. I always felt that Social Studies meant that it was time to take out a book, write some notes, and answer some questions. Did anyone else feel this way in school?? Although when it came time to plan lessons to teach to my students I wanted it to be fun and engaging. I feel like I learned more social studies in my college years trying to teach it than I ever did when I was in school. I had a blast teaching Social Studies to my fifth graders last year and I really feel like they had fun learning it. My class was so passionate about the topics we covered and I feel like my enthusiasm helped them want to learn what we had to go over. I feel like it was completely different when I was in 5th grade. Instead of sitting in our seats with a book reading, writing notes, and answering questions, my students were up moving around the room. It was as if we had to act out the events in history that we were learning about. We did everything from building a “Hooverville” to recreating the Berlin Airlift. I was amazed at how much fun Social Studies could be and I can’t wait to have my own classroom to teach some of those lessons again.

How do you feel about Social Studies? Do you feel differently about it as a teacher than you did as a student? What are some lessons that you will never forget? 


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